Say "goodbye" to these trends in 2017


Basic" may have adapted a negative connotation in recent years, but there's no shame in seeking advice on theoretically simple sartorial conundrums.
In our latest column, "Back to Basics," we're here to guide you through life's most common (and important) fashion and beauty concerns.
Nothing says “I’m going to a special event” like an outfit covered in fun textures. But an unfortunate byproduct of wearing things that make you feel fancy is that those things are often the trickiest to clean. For example, if you bring a floor-length sequin-encrusted dress to Burning Man, you may feel glamorous as hell while dancing with other Burners on the playa. But that will be followed by a decidedly un-glamorous feeling if you try to rid said dress of desert dust by putting it in the washing machine upon your return to civilization, because washing machines turn sequins into tarnished, glitter-residue-trailing disks of sadness.


If you’re just looking to remove armpit stink or playa dust-type dirtiness, fill a tub or sink full of lukewarm water and stir in mild laundry soap until it’s dissolved. Then add your sequined item of clothing and swirl it gently in the water before letting it soak for about five minutes. Remove from the tub and rinse in cold water until all the soap comes out. If you’re dealing with a stain on one part of the garment, you can spot-treat it with a gentle stain remover before putting it in the tub. Do so by dabbing (rather than rubbing) at the area with the stain to avoid breaking the threads that affix the sequins to fabric.


Any serious fur cleaning should be left to a furrier (not to be confused with a dry cleaner), who will use materials like sawdust or walnut shells to remove odors, stains and accumulated dirt without damaging the sensitive material. Most furriers recommend getting your fur cleaned once a year to keep it in tip-top shape, which may be a wise move if the fur was an investment piece or heirloom that you’d like to wear for years to come.


If you’re mostly looking to banish an unwanted odor from a feather-covered garment, try storing it in a garment bag or pillowcase with a few fresh dryer sheets for a day or two. If your feathers absolutely need washing, remember that feather dye is not colorfast, so you should only wash feathers of the same color together.
